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About Happy Maddness

Stories are not so much an escape, but an experience--an eye-opening experience that gives different perspectives and pushes you to explore reality. Some experiences can be happy and others can be maddening; but either way, you still can take something valuable away from it. 


Every story has a purpose—some being more obvious than others. Everyone has a story, in fact many stories, and all of them are worth sharing. 


It can a little scary sometimes, though, to let other people peak into your world, your mind, your heart. It’s a very vulnerable thing to do, but you can’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Sometimes, failure happens and that’s okay. It’s all apart of the process. You just have to learn what you can from it and strive onwards. 


Some stories are classified as complete fiction. But, I don’t always agree with that. I think most fiction is based on some kind of truth. Just because a story is filled with fantastical elements, does not make it a childish fairytale. It just makes it a bit more colorful. 


And that’s what I try to do. 


So, welcome to my blog! My name is Olivia and I am a writer. 


And here are some of my stories. Both magical and yet…very real. 


----Olivia Steele


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